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onCreate: SetBlock<Q> = new SetBlock<Q>(this.continueChainClause.bind(this), OnCreate)

Used to add an ON CREATE clause to the query. Any following query will be prefixed with ON CREATE.


query.onCreate.setLabels({ node: 'Active' });
// ON CREATE SET node:Active

query.onCreate.setVariables({ 'node.createdAt': 'timestamp()' });
// ON CREATE SET node.createdAt = timestamp()

The only methods that are available after onCreate are the set family of clauses.


onMatch: SetBlock<Q> = new SetBlock<Q>(this.continueChainClause.bind(this), OnMatch)

Used to add an ON MATCH clause to the query. Any following query will be prefixed with ON MATCH.


query.onMatch.setLabels({ node: 'Active' });
// ON MATCH SET node:Active

query.onMatch.setVariables({ 'node.updatedAt': 'timestamp()' });
// ON MATCH SET node.createdAt = timestamp()

The only methods that are available after onMatch are the set family of clauses.



  • addClause(clause: Clause): this
  • Adds a new clause to the query. You probably won't ever need to call this directly, but there is nothing stopping you.


    • clause: Clause

    Returns this


  • build(): string
  • Returns the query as a string with parameter variables.


      node('steve', { name: 'Steve' }),
      relation('out', [ 'FriendsWith' ]),
      .return([ 'steve', 'friends' ])
    // MATCH (steve { name: $name })-[:FriendsWith]->(friends)
    // RETURN steve, friends

    Returns string


  • buildQueryObject(): QueryObject
  • Returns an object that includes both the query and the params ready to be passed to the neo4j driver.

    Returns QueryObject


  • create(patterns: PatternCollection, options?: CreateOptions): Q
  • Adds a create clause to the query.

    Create accepts a single pattern, a list of patterns or a list of a list of patterns. Each pattern represents a single part of a cypher pattern. For example: (people:Person { age: 30 }) would be a node pattern and -[:FriendsWith]-> would be a relationship pattern.

    If an array of patterns is provided, they are joined together to form a composite pattern. For example:

      node('people', 'Person', { age: 30 }),
      relation('out', '', 'FriendsWith'),
      node('friend', 'Friend'),

    Would equate to the cypher pattern

    CREATE (people:Person { age: 30 })-[:FriendsWith]->(friend:Friend)

    The create method also accepts a unique option which will cause a CREATE UNIQUE clause to be emitted instead.

    query.create([node('people', 'Person', { age: 30 })], { unique: true });
    // CREATE UNIQUE (people:Person { age: 30 })


    • patterns: PatternCollection
    • Optional options: CreateOptions

    Returns Q


  • createNode(name: Many<string> | Dictionary<any>, labels?: Many<string> | Dictionary<any>, conditions?: Dictionary<any>, options?: CreateOptions): Q
  • Shorthand for create(node(name, labels, conditions), options). For more details the arguments see @{link node}.


    • name: Many<string> | Dictionary<any>
    • Optional labels: Many<string> | Dictionary<any>
    • Optional conditions: Dictionary<any>
    • Optional options: CreateOptions

    Returns Q


  • createUnique(patterns: PatternCollection): Q


  • createUniqueNode(name: Many<string> | Dictionary<any>, labels?: Many<string> | Dictionary<any>, conditions?: Dictionary<any>): Q
  • Shorthand for createNode(name, labels, conditions, { unique: true })


    • name: Many<string> | Dictionary<any>
    • Optional labels: Many<string> | Dictionary<any>
    • Optional conditions: Dictionary<any>

    Returns Q


  • delete(terms: Many<string>, options?: DeleteOptions): Q
  • Adds a delete clause to the query.

    Delete accepts a single string or an array of them and all of them are joined together with commas. Note that these strings are not escaped or passed to Neo4j using parameters, therefore you should not pass user input into this clause without escaping it first.

    You can set detach: true in the options to make it a DETACH DELETE clause.


    • terms: Many<string>
    • Optional options: DeleteOptions

    Returns Q


  • detachDelete(terms: Many<string>, options?: DeleteOptions): Q
  • Shorthand for delete(terms, { detach: true }).


    • terms: Many<string>
    • Default value options: DeleteOptions = {}

    Returns Q


  • first<R>(): Promise<Dictionary<R> | undefined>
  • Runs the current query on its connection and returns the first result. If the query was created by calling a chainable method of a connection, the query's connection was automatically set.

    If 0 results were returned from the database, returns undefined.

    Returns a promise that resolves to a single record. Each key of the record is the name of a variable that you specified in your RETURN clause.

    If you use typescript you can use the type parameter to hint at the type of the return value which is Dictionary<R>. Note that this function returns undefined if the result set was empty.

    Type parameters

    • R

    Returns Promise<Dictionary<R> | undefined>


  • getClauses(): Clause[]
  • Returns an array of all the clauses in this query.

    Returns Clause[]


  • interpolate(): string
  • Like build, but will insert the values of the parameters into the string so queries are easier to debug. Note: this should only ever be used for debugging.

      node('steve', { name: 'Steve' }),
      relation('out', [ 'FriendsWith' ]),
      .return([ 'steve', 'friends' ])
    // MATCH (steve { name: 'Steve' })-[:FriendsWith]->(friends)
    // RETURN steve, friends

    Returns string


  • limit(amount: number): Q


  • match(patterns: PatternCollection, options?: MatchOptions): Q
  • Adds a match clause to the query.

    Match accepts a single pattern, a list of patterns or a list of a list of patterns. Each pattern represents a single part of a cypher pattern. For example: (people:Person { age: 30 }) would be a node pattern and -[:FriendsWith]-> would be a relationship pattern.

    If an array of patterns is provided, they are joined together to form a composite pattern. For example:

      node('people', 'Person', { age: 30 }),
      relation('out', '', 'FriendsWith'),

    Would equate to the cypher pattern

    MATCH (people:Person { age: 30 })-[:FriendsWith]->(friends)

    If an array of an array of patterns is provided each array is joined together like above, and then each composite pattern is joined with a comma to allow matching of multiple distinct patterns. Note: matching many distinct patterns will produce a cross product of the results as noted in the cypher docs.

    You can also provide optional: true in the options to create and OPTIONAL MATCH clause.


    • patterns: PatternCollection

      List of patterns to be matched.

    • Optional options: MatchOptions

    Returns Q


  • matchNode(name?: Many<string> | Dictionary<any>, labels?: Many<string> | Dictionary<any>, conditions?: Dictionary<any>): Q
  • Shorthand for match(node(name, labels, conditions)). For more details on the arguments see node.


    • Optional name: Many<string> | Dictionary<any>
    • Optional labels: Many<string> | Dictionary<any>
    • Optional conditions: Dictionary<any>

    Returns Q


  • merge(patterns: PatternCollection): Q
  • Adds a merge clause to the query. It accepts the same parameters as match and create so refer to them for more information.

      node('user', 'User', { id: 1 }),
      relation('out', 'rel', 'OwnsProject'),
      node('project', 'Project', { id: 20 }),
    .onMatch.setVariables({ 'rel.updatedAt': `timestamp` });
    // MERGE (user:User { id: 1 })-[rel:OwnsProject]->(project:Project { id: 20 })
    // ON MATCH SET rel.updatedAt = timestamp()


    • patterns: PatternCollection

    Returns Q


  • optionalMatch(patterns: PatternCollection, options?: MatchOptions): Q
  • Shorthand for match(patterns, { optional: true }).


    • patterns: PatternCollection
    • Default value options: MatchOptions = {}

    Returns Q


  • orderBy(fields: string | (string | [string, undefined | null | false | true | "DESC" | "desc" | "DESCENDING" | "descending" | "ASC" | "asc" | "ASCENDING" | "ascending"] | [string])[] | OrderConstraints, dir?: Direction): Q
  • Adds an order by to the query.

    Pass a single string or an array of strings to order by.

    // ORDER BY name, occupation

    You can control the sort direction by adding a direction to each property.

      ['name', 'DESC'],
      'occupation', // Same as ['occupation', 'ASC']
    // ORDER BY name DESC, occupation

    The second parameter is the default search direction for all properties that don't have a direction specified. So the above query could instead be written as:

      ['occupation', 'ASC']
    ], 'DESC')
    // ORDER BY name DESC, occupation

    It is also acceptable to pass an object where each key is the property and the value is a direction. Eg:

      name: 'DESC',
      occupation: 'ASC',

    However, the underlying iteration order is not always guaranteed and it may cause subtle bugs in your code. It is still accepted but it is recommended that you use the array syntax above.

    Valid values for directions are DESC, DESCENDING, ASC, ASCENDING. true and false are also accepted (true being the same as DESC and false the same as ASC), however they should be avoided as they are quite ambiguous. Directions always default to ASC as it does in cypher.


    • fields: string | (string | [string, undefined | null | false | true | "DESC" | "desc" | "DESCENDING" | "descending" | "ASC" | "asc" | "ASCENDING" | "ascending"] | [string])[] | OrderConstraints
    • Optional dir: Direction

    Returns Q


  • raw(clause: string | TemplateStringsArray, ...args: any[]): Q
  • Adds a clause to the query as is. You can also provide an object of params as well.

    query.raw('MATCH (:Event { date: $date }', { date: '2017-01-01' })

    raw can also be used as a template tag

    query.matchNode('event', 'Event', { id: 1 })
     .raw`SET event.finishedAt = ${Date.now()}`

    But note that using template parameters where they are not supported in a query will produce an malformed query.

    query.raw`SET node.${property} = 'value'`
    // Invalid query:
    // SET node.$param1 = 'value'


    • clause: string | TemplateStringsArray
    • Rest ...args: any[]

    Returns Q


  • remove(properties: RemoveProperties): Q
  • Adds a remove clause to the query.

    Pass objects containing the list of properties and labels to remove from a node. Each key in an object is the name of a node and the values are the names of the labels and properties to remove. The values of each object can be either a single string, or an array of strings.

      labels: {
        coupon: 'Active',
      properties: {
        customer: ['inactive', 'new'],
    // REMOVE coupon:Active, customer.inactive, customer.new

    Both labels and properties objects are optional, but you must provide at least one of them for the query to be syntatically valid.

    // Invalid query:
    // REMOVE

    If you only need to remove labels or properties, you may find removeProperties or removeLabels more convenient.


    • properties: RemoveProperties

    Returns Q


  • removeLabels(labels: Dictionary<Many<string>>): Q
  • Adds a remove clause to the query.

    Pass an object containing the list of labels to remove from a node. Each key in the object is the name of a node and the values are the names of the labels to remove. The values can be either a single string, or an array of strings.

      customer: ['Inactive', 'New'],
      coupon: 'Available',
    // REMOVE customer:Inactive, customer:New, coupon:Available


    • labels: Dictionary<Many<string>>

    Returns Q


  • removeProperties(properties: Dictionary<Many<string>>): Q
  • Adds a remove clause to the query.

    Pass an object containing the list of properties to remove from a node. Each key in the object is the name of a node and the values are the names of the properties to remove. The values can be either a single string, or an array of strings.

      customer: ['inactive', 'new'],
      coupon: 'available',
    // REMOVE customer.inactive, customer.new, coupon.available


    • properties: Dictionary<Many<string>>

    Returns Q


  • return(terms: Many<Term>, options?: ReturnOptions): Q
  • Adds a return clause to the query.

    There are many different ways to pass arguments to return so each is documented in turn below.

    A single string:

    // RETURN people

    An array of strings to return multiple variables:

    query.return([ 'people', 'pets' ])
    // RETURN people, pets

    A single object to rename variables:

    query.return({ people: 'employees' })
    // RETURN people AS employees

    A single object with an array for each value:

      people: [ 'name', 'age' ],
      pets: [ 'name', 'breed' ],
    // RETURN people.name, people.age, pets.name, pets.breed

    This gives you a shortcut to specifying many node properties. You can also rename each property by adding an object inside the array or by providing an object as the value:

      people: [{ name: 'personName' }, 'age' ],
    // RETURN people.name AS personName, people.age


      people: {
        name: 'personName',
        age: 'personAge',
    // RETURN people.name AS personName, people.age AS personAge

    You can also pass an array of any of the above methods.

    The return method also accepts a distinct option which will cause a RETURN DISTINCT clause to be emitted instead.

    query.return('people', { distinct: true })
    // RETURN DISTINCT people


    • terms: Many<Term>
    • Optional options: ReturnOptions

    Returns Q


  • returnDistinct(terms: Many<Term>): Q


  • run<R>(): Promise<Dictionary<R>[]>
  • Runs this query on its connection. If this query was created by calling a chainable method of a connection, then its connection was automatically set.

    Returns a promise that resolves to an array of records. Each key of the record is the name of a variable that you specified in your RETURN clause. Eg:

      node('steve', { name: 'Steve' }),
      relation('out', [ 'FriendsWith' ]),
      .return([ 'steve', 'friends' ])

    Would result in the value:

        steve: { ... } // steve node,
        friends: { ... } // first friend,
        steve: { ... } // steve node,
        friends: { ... } // second friend,
        steve: { ... } // steve node,
        friends: { ... } // third friend,

    Notice how the steve record is returned for each row, this is how cypher works. If you use lodash you can extract all of Steve's friends from the results like using _.map(results, 'friends'). If you don't, you can use ES2015/ES6: results.map(record => record.friends).

    If you use typescript you can use the type parameter to hint at the type of the return value which is Dictionary<R>[].

    Throws an exception if this query does not have a connection or has no clauses.

    Type parameters

    • R

    Returns Promise<Dictionary<R>[]>


  • set(properties: SetProperties, options?: SetOptions): Q
  • Adds a set clause to the query.

    set lets you updates a nodes labels and properties in one clause. Most of the time it will be easier to use one of the variants such as setLabels, setValues or setVariables.

    This function accepts three different kind of properties, each of which is described in more detail in the variants.

      labels: {
        sale: 'Active',
      variables: {
        sale: {
          activatedAt: 'timestamp()',
      values: {
        sale: {
          activatedBy: user.id,
    // SET sale:Active, sale.activatedAt = timestamp(), sale.activatedBy = $userId

    set also accepts an options object which currently only contains a single setting: override. Override controls whether the = or += operator is used in the set clause. true causes the existing object to be cleared and replaced by the new object. false on the other hand will merge the existing and new objects together, with new properties replacing the ones on the existing object. The default value of override is a little inconsistent and it will be improved in the next major version. If you don't pass any settings object, override will default to true. If you pass an options object without an override key, override will be false. In future versions, override will always default to false to be more consistent with setVariables and setValues.


    • properties: SetProperties
    • Optional options: SetOptions

    Returns Q


  • setLabels(labels: Dictionary<Many<string>>): Q
  • Adds labels to a node using a set clause.

      sale: 'Active',
    // SET sale:Active

    setLabels accepts a dictionary where the keys are nodes to be updated and the value is a single label or an array of labels to add to the node.


    • labels: Dictionary<Many<string>>

    Returns Q


  • setValues(values: Dictionary<any>, merge?: undefined | false | true): Q
  • Updates a node from parameters using a set clause. This function treats all values as parameters which is different to setVariables which assumes values are cypher variables.

      'sale.activatedBy': user.id,
    // SET sale.activatedBy += $userId

    setValues accepts a dictionary where the keys are nodes or property names to be updated.

    To use the += operator to merge properties of a node, you can pass true to the merge option.

      'sale': { active: true },
    }, true)
    // SET sale += $sale


    • values: Dictionary<any>
    • Optional merge: undefined | false | true

    Returns Q


  • setVariables(variables: Dictionary<string | Dictionary<string>>, merge?: undefined | false | true): Q
  • Updates a node from a variable that was previously declared in the query using a set clause. This function only accepts strings as its values which are not escaped in any way so beware. If you want to store some user supplied information in the database, setValues is the function you want.

      'sale.activatedAt': 'timestamp()',
    // SET sale.activatedAt = timestamp()

    Note how values are inserted into the query, as is.

    To use the += operator to merge properties of a node, you can pass true to the merge option.

      'sale': 'newSaleDetails'
    }, true)
    // SET sale += newSaleDetails


    • variables: Dictionary<string | Dictionary<string>>
    • Optional merge: undefined | false | true

    Returns Q


  • skip(amount: number): Q


  • stream<R>(): Observable<Dictionary<R>>
  • Runs this query on its connection. If this query was created by calling a chainable method of a connection, then its connection was automatically set.

    Returns an RxJS observable that emits each record as it is received from the database. This is the most efficient way of working with very large datasets. Each record is an object where each key is the name of a variable that you specified in your return clause.


    const result$ = connection.match([
      node('steve', { name: 'Steve' }),
      relation('out', [ 'FriendsWith' ]),
      .return([ 'steve', 'friends' ])
    // Emits
    // {
    //   steve: { ... } // steve node,
    //   friends: { ... } // first friend,
    // },
    // Then emits
    // {
    //   steve: { ... } // steve node,
    //   friends: { ... } // first friend,
    // },
    // And so on

    Notice how the steve record is returned for each row, this is how cypher works. You can extract all of steve's friends from the query by using RxJS operators:

    const friends$ = results$.map(row => row.friends);

    If you use typescript you can use the type parameter to hint at the type of the return value which is Observable<Dictionary<R>>.

    Throws an exception if this query does not have a connection or has no clauses.

    Type parameters

    • R

    Returns Observable<Dictionary<R>>


  • toString(): string
  • Synonym for build().

    Returns string


  • union(all?: undefined | false | true): Q
  • Add a union clause to the query.

    query.matchNode('people', 'People')
      .return({ 'people.name': 'name' })
      .matchNode('departments', 'Department')
      .return({ 'departments.name': 'name' });
    // MATCH (people:People)
    // RETURN people.name AS name
    // UNION
    // MATCH (departments:Department)
    // RETURN departments.name AS name


    • Optional all: undefined | false | true

    Returns Q


  • unionAll(): Q
  • Add a union all clause to the query. Just shorthand for union(true).

    query.matchNode('people', 'People')
      .return({ 'people.name': 'name' })
      .matchNode('departments', 'Department')
      .return({ 'departments.name': 'name' });
    // MATCH (people:People)
    // RETURN people.name AS name
    // UNION ALL
    // MATCH (departments:Department)
    // RETURN departments.name AS name

    Returns Q


  • unwind(list: any[], name: string): Q
  • Adds an unwind clause to the query.


    • list: any[]

      Any kind of array to unwind in the query

    • name: string

      Name of the variable to use in the unwinding

    Returns Q


  • where(conditions: AnyConditions): Q
  • Adds a where clause to the query.

    where is probably the most complex clause in this package because of the flexible ways to combine conditions. A handy rule of thumb is when you see an array it becomes an OR and when you see a dictionary, it becomes an AND. The many different ways of specifying your constraints are listed below.

    As a simple object, the comparison of each property is just ANDed together.

      name: 'Alan',
      age: 54,
    // WHERE name = 'Alan' AND age = 54

    You can wrap your constraints in a top level dictionary in which case the key of the outer dictionary will be considered the name of the node.

      person: {
        name: 'Alan',
        age: 54,
    // WHERE person.name = 'Alan' AND person.age = 54

    Using an array, you can generate ORed conditions.

      { name: 'Alan' },
      { age: 54 },
    // WHERE name = 'Alan' OR age = 54

    Arrays can be placed at many levels in the conditions.

      name: [ 'Alan', 'Steve', 'Bob' ],
    // WHERE name = 'Alan' OR name = 'Steve' OR name = 'Bob'
      person: [
        { name: 'Alan' },
        { age: 54 },
    // WHERE person.name = 'Alan' OR person.age = 54
      { employee: { name: 'Alan' } },
      { department: { code: 765 } },
    // WHERE employee.name = 'Alan' OR department.code = 765

    For more complex comparisons, you can use the comparator functions such as:

      age: greaterThan(30),
    // WHERE age > 30

    The full list of comparators currently supported are:

    You can import the comparisons one at a time or all at once.

    import { greaterThan, regexp } from 'cypher-query-builder';
    // or
    import { comparisons } form 'cypher-query-builder';

    For convenience you can also pass a Javascript RegExp object as a value, which will then be converted into a string before it is passed to cypher. However, beware that the cypher regexp syntax is inherited from java, and may have slight differences to the Javascript syntax. If you would prefer, you can use the regexp comparator and use strings instead of RegExp objects. For example, Javascript RegExp flags will not be preserved when sent to cypher.

      name: /[A-Z].*son/,
    // WHERE age =~ '[A-Z].*son'

    All the binary operators including xor and not are available as well and can also be imported individually or all at once.

    import { xor, and } from 'cypher-query-builder';
    // or
    import { operators } form 'cypher-query-builder';

    The operators can be placed at any level of the query.

      age: xor([lessThan(12), greaterThan(65)])
    // WHERE age < 12 XOR age > 65


    • conditions: AnyConditions

    Returns Q


  • with(terms: Many<Term>): Q
  • Adds a with clause to the query.

    There are many different ways to pass arguments to with so each is documented in turn below.

    A single string:

    // WITH people

    An array of strings to return multiple variables:

    query.with([ 'people', 'pets' ])
    // WITH people, pets

    A single object to rename variables:

    query.with({ people: 'employees' })
    // WITH people AS employees

    A single object with an array for each value:

      people: [ 'name', 'age' ],
      pets: [ 'name', 'breed' ],
    // WITH people.name, people.age, pets.name, pets.breed

    This gives you a shortcut to specifying many node properties. You can also rename each property by adding an object inside the array or by providing an object as the value:

      people: [{ name: 'personName' }, 'age' ],
    // WITH people.name AS personName, people.age


      people: {
        name: 'personName',
        age: 'personAge',
    // WITH people.name AS personName, people.age AS personAge

    You can also pass an array of any of the above methods.


    • terms: Many<Term>

    Returns Q


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method

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